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Why I chose to Let My Son Paint His Nails


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Why I chose to Let My Son Paint His Nails

Brittany McCabe

Why I chose to let my son paint his nails

kids nail polish

“FE expert and writer Brittany McCabe has launched Alpha Kids, the first-ever nail polish for girls and BOYS. She discusses why she lets her own son paint his nails and how it welcomes creativity and artistic expression.”

There has been a lot of press over the last few years of celebrities painting their kids nails and other male celebrities flaunting their own brightly colored nails. In 2017, Allure highlighted strong men who wear nail polish and why stigmas against them shouldn’t exist. Some of the celebrities mentioned in this article are Zac Efron, Hemsworth brothers, K-pop stars, and even YouTube influencers. These individuals are letting it be known that nail polish is okay for boys and girls alike, and helping to break down the gender-biased walls and paving a path for a more accepting and colorful future.

To see the full article, head over to Family Education.